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Today Is Your Day - 07/25/2022

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White DL card blank (8 1/4 x 4")

Stencils from Poppy Bouquet Stencil and Die Collection

Stamps from There For You Lamination Stamp Collection 

Versafine Ink Pad: Smoky Gray

Izink Dye ink pad: Mer Du Sud, Ocean, Nuit, Reglisse, Menthe, Emeraude

Thirsty Brush Confetti Paint: White Lace

Water spray bottle

Paint brush

Clear adhesive gems

Blending tool

Eureka 101



How To Guide - Step 1

Place stencil marked number 1, from the Poppy Bouquet Stencil and Die Collection, off the left edge of your DL card blank.

Blend the Izink Mer du Sud ink through the stencil, with your blending tool.  

How To Guide - Step 2

Line up stencil number 2, over your stencilled image, and blend with the Izink Ocean. 

How To Guide - Step 3

Line up stencil 3, and blend with the Izink Nuit and Menthe. 

How To Guide - Step 4

Line up stencil 4, and blend through with the Izink Nuit, Reglisse and Emeraude. 

How To Guide - Step 5

Now be brave....and spray water over your stencilled image, allowing it to "bleed". You can add more water, depending on how much of a loose watercolour effect you want! You can also use a paper towel to mop up any excess water if you wish. Allow the water to move the ink freely, and if possible, let your artwork dry off naturally. 

I am normally fairly reserved in allowing the water to move too much, but I went for it this time...and really loved the result. 

How To Guide - Step 6

NB: These next 2 steps are optional, but i wanted to go back in, with 2 of the stencils, and add a little more ink, to redefine some of the areas.

I laid stencil 3 back in place, and added a little more of the Izink Menthe, in some of the areas that bled alot. 

How To Guide - Step 7

I laid stencil 5 in place, and redefined a couple of areas with the Izink Emeraude. 

How To Guide - Step 8

Add some water to your Thirsty Brush Confetti Paint, and splatter over your dried artwork. You can be as generous with the splats as you want...I like a lot!! 

How To Guide - Step 9

Ink up the sentiment stamp, from There For You Lamination Stamp Collection, with the Smoky Gray Versafine, and stamp it straight through your artwork. 

How To Guide - Step 10

To finish, add clear, adhesive water drops, to your artwork, as required.